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  • in reply to: How many Nationals #7010
    Paul Jenkins

    Cannot beat you two but proud to say I have done 12 Nationals:

    Lake Boga 1990
    Brighton & Seacliff 1992
    Speers Point 1993
    Gippsland 1994
    Runnaway Bay 1996
    Largs Bay 1997
    Toulkey 1999
    Cleveland 2001
    Brighton & Seacliff 2002
    Blairgowrie 2003
    Twofold Bay 2004
    Cleveland 2006

    Shane Navin
    Poetic Justice

    in reply to: Proposal to change the Rules of Measurement #6939
    Paul Jenkins

    All Assistant State Measurers and State Measures, for that matter, should be encouraged to attend John Dixons Workshop with some assistance where possible from National and State association funds.

    Shane Navin

    in reply to: QLD Australian Titles #6818
    Paul Jenkins

    Make an Executive Decision and advise the dates so we can secure accommodation bookings. We are neally into March.
    I hear there are already booking difficulties for some who must be guessing the dates. Are there already issues with accommodation availability?

    shane Navin

    in reply to: twofold bay regatta eden #6774
    Paul Jenkins

    Are you able to come to the two Heats of the NSW State Titles at Wallagoot Lake Boat Club, 40 kms north of Eden on 18th and 19th March?
    It would be great to see you there. We expect about 10 Sabres.

    Shane Navin

    in reply to: Why Cleveland ??? #6793
    Paul Jenkins

    As a past organiser of 2 National Titles in Vic and 3 in NSW and attendee of 12 or so National Titles in 16 years of Sabre Sailing let me say that firstly I am sympathetic to your question on Clevland as the next National Venue.
    However the resources required to run an event need to be available.
    ie. Personnel, rescue boats, facilities etc, etc., and it helps if the Club already hosts the Sabre Class.
    It is too late to change the next venue now , but I think you have touched on a significate future challenge for the Sabre Class to hold Titles outside of Vic where many excellent alternate venues are available.
    The same venues in SA, Tas and Qld every 5 years is somewhat lacking in optimising the variety factor and is why the last 3 in NSW have all been at different clubs (Speers Point, Toukley and Eden). However,not all those events scored 10 out of 10 and none of those clubs sail Sabres, so there is that added complexity.
    In the states with smaller Sabre support it is usually the same band of loyal organisers each time their turn comes around, and understandably we end up at the same host club.

    As a discussion point should consideration be given to a truely National Committee to run annual National Titles and that includes determing the venue, with the host State operating as a logistical support and that a variety of venues be sought voted on and agreed by all Sabre Sailors well in advance of the event.

    Some may say that this sort of happens at the AGM, but in truth the 5 year rotation applys, unless a state declines their turn, and the venue is left up to the State to decide.

    As I said, no disrespect to Clevland, as I know it is an available resources issue, but there were similar mutterings prior to Lindesfarne this year. I do understand where the Guests comment is coming from.

    Is this a discussion worth having ?

    Shane Navin
    “Poetic Justice”

    in reply to: Hobart Nationals #6671
    Paul Jenkins


    No new boat that I am aware of.
    Maybe I am overdue for one.

    Shane N.
    (Still in imaculate condition)

    in reply to: NSW SateTitles #6566
    Paul Jenkins

    We have just held Heats 4 and 5 of the NSW State Titles at Wallagoot Lake Boat Club this last weekend (19th & 20th Mar.) Wallagoot Lake is near Bega. Heat 6 is at Connells Point S.C. (Sydney) on the 9th Apr.

    Shane Navin.

    in reply to: Update on number of entries for the 2004/2005 Nationals. #6493
    Paul Jenkins

    I said we had 44 Pledges from all the ringing around that was done.
    Out of those pledges we had 35 official entries at the time of the post.
    You will be pleased to note we now have 42 official entries as at todays date (16th Dec). There are 2 more pledges who have said they will be there but have yet to officially enter.
    My estimate is that we will get 45-46 official entries.

    Shane Navin

    PS. The long range weather forecast does not look too flash!!

    in reply to: Wind indicators #6476
    Paul Jenkins

    You got it in one.
    Looking up at the indicator is an absolute pain in the A**.
    It is also dangerous.
    Try doing that in the 100 boat fleet at the last Nationals. Especially at the Start.
    A lower mounting allows you the check the wind and keep an eye out for the other 99 boats.

    Shane N,

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)