Paul Matthews

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  • in reply to: Proposal to change the Rules of Measurement #6936
    Paul Matthews

    I concur with this comment.

    in reply to: Proposal to change the Rules of Measurement #6933
    Paul Matthews

    Thank you Mike.
    I appreciate your boldness and it is helpful to get more background.
    My only concern is that under current rules it is VERY possible to foul the c’board on the vang, so I am at a loss as to why the statement is there at all in the proposed change.

    On the towel rail, mu PERSONAL view is that they are crap. I much prefer a short piece of track and slider, or a shackle sliding on taught wire. My background is Mirrors, MGs, NS’s, F11, Laser – so when I came to Sabres I felt VERY constrained by the towel rail. The oilder style ones chaff the sail badly, and I am reluctant in cutting up plastic breadboards to make my fittings. There is no advantage with a short piece of track and slider – but to me it just seems right!

    I appreciate your help – getting some context – similar to reading speeches in parliament, is useful and fills a gap for me.

    I will now return to the 100 Acre Wood and contemplate with Eee-aw and Piglet.

    Winnie the Pooh

    in reply to: VB cord!! #6929
    Paul Matthews


    Paul Matthews


    The Notice of Race for the 2006/07 Sabre National Championship has been revised and reposted.
    To access the NoR go to the Qld Sabre Association website and floow the links to the 06/07 Nationals.

    Qld Committee

    in reply to: Why Cleveland ??? #6806
    Paul Matthews

    Ok we understand your plight on the beer front, very important to you obviously so I am sure when you arrive at Cleveland you could perhaps mention this to the organisers, let them know what type you need (“hopefully” Queensland has this type of beer) and they will do what they can for you, failing that I suggest you take up Shane’s offer on the “Bundy”

    Anne Mussett (Go-anna 1701) 😉

    Paul Matthews
    in reply to: Replacement of thwart. #6746
    Paul Matthews

    I recently built a new thwart for 991. I laminated gaboon ply and tasmanian oak. The latter being straight from Bunnings. The effect was great and the satisfaction even greater.
    I didn’t have sash clamps, but made do with a good number of g-clamps, plus making the initial timbers longer than required and bolting them together at each end. To compensate for not using sash clamps.
    The finished job was then planed and sanded smooth before tediously cutting to refit to the slot on each side.
    I also agree that the connect to the centrecase is very important. It was this area that had a lot of deterioration in the original, plus the use of holes for the traveller that were much too big.

    in reply to: Venturies #6895
    Paul Matthews

    Hi Eliza,

    In SE Qld there are Sabre sailors who I am sure would be happy to chat and show you their boats.

    To contact someone near Southport, call Rex, the Qld Secretary. Rex is an expert with timber.

    To contact someone mid-way GC and Bris, try Rob, the Qld President.

    To contact someone in Brisbane bayside area call Anne or Brian – the Qld Publicity Officers.

    Phone numbers are on the Qld Sabre website.

    If you are north of Brisbane, there is a Sabre sailor at Maroochydore (Peter B, refer Maroochydore SC website)

    The next winter race at Cleveland YC is scheduled for 18 June 06. The Cleveland website has further dates etc. There are quite a number of boats stored in the clubhouse that you could inspect as well.


    in reply to: Winter Sailing Gear #6889
    Paul Matthews

    Hi Eliza,
    I don’t know where you sail, but when I sail in Canberra in winter, and the fringe months, I wear a drysuit, including complete rubberised booty attached to the dry suit. Then wetsuit boots over that, plus tracksuit under the drysuit.
    On Moreton Bay in winter I wear a rashie with fur inside, nothing extra apart from that.
    Of course, if it it at all cool I wear a beanie – that is the MOST important cool/cold weather sailing item to include.

    On the hiking pants, well I am addicted to mine. I wear them all the time (when sailing that is). I wear a pair of knee-hi heavy duty stockings as well to bridge the gap between booties and the hiking pants. This avoids the tan thing stephen refers to, avoids need for sunscreen and avoids skin touching things in the water eg jelly blubbers.

    Good sailing,


    in reply to: Winter Sailing Gear #6888
    Paul Matthews

    Hi Eliza,
    I don’t know where you sail, but when I sail in Canberra in winter, and the fringe months, I wear a drysuit, including complete rubberised booty attached to the dry suit. Then wetsuit boots over that, plus tracksuit under the drysuit.
    On Moreton Bay in winter I wear a rashie with fur inside, nothing extra apart from that.
    Of course, if it it at all cool I wear a beanie – that is the MOST important cool/cold weather sailing item to include.

    On the hiking pants, well I am addicted to mine. I wear them all the time (when sailing that is). I wear a pair of knee-hi heavy duty stockings as well to bridge the gap between booties and the hiking pants. This avoids the tan thing stephen refers to, avoids need for sunscreen and avoids skin touching things in the water eg jelly blubbers.

    Good sailing,


    in reply to: Help wanted, survey – dinghy trailers #6884
    Paul Matthews

    1) How often do you use your dinghy? Weekly (Sep – May incl), Monthly (Jun – Aug incl)

    2) When not in use where do you store your dinghy? Club house at my sailing club

    3) Do you currently own or use a dinghy trailer? Yes, I own trailers

    4) How much did your current trailer cost? One was $1800 (my main trailer, quality trailer for towing two boats), one was about $500 (6 x 4 box trailer) and one was about $500 and one was kinda thrown in with a boat (but it has a broken spring at present). Yes I have 4 trailers.

    5) How often do you use your trailer? The main trailer gets used about once a month.

    6) When you use your trailer how far do you travel? Well, that varies a lot. Shortest trip would be 50km return home to club. A weekend trip for a local regatta would be on average 300km return. I would say that at present on average once a year I do a BIG trip, say 5000km return.

    7) When not in use where do you store your trailer? (Main trailer is in carport, other trailers are under the house)

    Hope that helps. Sue

    in reply to: Sabre Plans/Sail No. #6770
    Paul Matthews

    Hi Damien,

    I have just been through getting a number and building notes, Maree was fairly busy before she left to go overseas on Sunday, so may have given the new Secretary/Treasurer your details etc., I have had my number since early December but only received building notes today. I am sure if you contact Mike Simpson (refer to Aust Sabre page) who has taken Maree’s place he will be able to help you.

    Anne Mussett – GO-ANNA 1701

    in reply to: Choosing the right Sabre #6765
    Paul Matthews

    Hi, welcome to Sabres in Qld.

    I know of a Sabre for sail that is good condition. It is #1494, and I think the owner, Phil Briggs is asking $1500 for the boat, no trailer.
    Also, I have a trailer for sale that has been used for Sabre trailing, and any cradle would be able to be fitted to it. I am about to change my trailer rego to Qld (from ACT my ‘state of origin’) and would expect to sell it for $500. It has a spare wheel with it, and all tyres are in good condition.

    So, if you would like to follow up with these, you could call Phil at home anytime on 3245 3265, and myself on 3393 6827 (ah).

    I am one of the Cleveland Sabre sailors and look forward to meeting you. The CYC website has a claendar. The next race day is Sunday 29 January.

    See you at the club,


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