Paul Matthews

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  • in reply to: Lake Keepit – one day event – June long weekend #7864
    Paul Matthews

    Hey everyone – I had a great time.
    It was very light – but the sun was shining and it the LKSC folk I met were fabulous.
    I now know all about ‘duck weed’ – and how it means there isn’t any algae in the water, just a deficit of ducks :-)
    A bit of feedback ….. a visitor to the event, after chatting together about our respective choices of off-the-beach dinghy, told me that “if he had to live in Melbourne he would sail a Sabre”.
    C ya,

    in reply to: Mast sections #7862
    Paul Matthews

    Hi Alan, I have a couple of question, if you don’t mind.
    1) My Loos gauge has settings for different wire diameter. I read and note that you are not using wire, however, which diameter were you using on the gauge?
    2) With the halyard set up and the tension at 25, did you alter the alignment of the halyard? For instance, at the mat top, was the halyard exiting the turning block, or did you then secure it against the back of the mast, and similarly, at the base of the mast, was the halyard secured to the mast aft edge in some way?

    Hi Seadrift, I am envious of the weather today in Brisbane!

    Thank you all,

    in reply to: new ply build #7840
    Paul Matthews

    Hi csim,
    I think I saw you out in your boat a couple of weeks ago on LBG, but did not get a chance to catch up afterwards.
    This Sunday (11 Feb) there will be a couple of visiting Sabres at CYC, plus Geoff and myself
    Would be great if you can get there – we would have 5 for the afternoon race!
    My email is susanhextell @
    Happy for you to email me, I can then extend our local Sabre email list

    in reply to: Part 8 of the proposed Sabre Charter #7745
    Paul Matthews

    Part 8 proposes that a persons main paid occupation must be building boats for them to be able to make a FRP boat from a mould – so I do not think the boilermaker guy in your example can make one.
    As Part 8 is stated, I guess a retired person, with no paid occupation COULD make FRP boats?

    I disagree with any class rules being based on a persons income – paid or whatever source!
    Part 8 should NOT be in the charter.

    An alternate approach for amateur FRP builders would be (in the Class Rules, not a Charter):
    a) specification of materials and requirement for a mould,
    b) mould for FRP to be inspected by a State Measurer prior to use (ascertaining general compliance with intention of measurement rules for a one-design class within stated tolerances),
    c) where a State Measurer would need to travel further than 80km (or other specified distance), the inspection may be executed using electronic visual media.

    BUT – the underpinning question is … does the Sabre class want amateur builders?


    in reply to: Part 8 of the proposed Sabre Charter #7743
    Paul Matthews

    HI, my views …
    1. Part 8 should not be in the Charter – my logic: a charter should not have content that relates to the detail of measurement
    2. Class rules pertaining to measurement of boats should not be based on whether the activity relates to the individuals income – it will always be disputed eg definition of income, tax etc.
    3. Who can be a builder (FRP or timber) – should either be by builders who have passed some review/assessment/contractual agreement (eg Laser, Spiral classes) OR be open to any builder …. the Sabre class has in the past had the target of encouraging amateur builders (cost, interest in building etc). This underlying principle (amateur vs non-amateur) at a high level is an appropriate statement in a charter (the detail then in the class rules)
    4. The concern regarding an individuals ability to develop a hull that meets the measurement rules but deviates from the “look” of a Sabre, aka development in the NS14 class some 20 years ago, needs to be addressed separately in the definition of class measurement, not in a charter statement
    My thoughts,

    in reply to: Has Anyone Seen This? #7649
    Paul Matthews

    Dear GuestMember,
    Who would know what is hidden behind cosmetics – unless you wake up next to it :-)
    I was not quoting rules – and you miss my point :-(
    That aside …. no, my boat has not been altered by the use of bog.
    BUT – I have seen it done in other flat chine classes over the decades :-) and there is no reason it could not be done in the Sabre …. it would be a very naive person who thought it would not happen in the Sabre class.

    in reply to: Internal outhaul seeking clarification rule 121 #7689
    Paul Matthews

    I think making Measurement Rule 121 optional or deleted is the answer.
    Making it optional is a bit messy if a goal is to simplify measurement.
    Anyway – until there is a further approved rule change I do not see it possible to neatly rig an internal outhaul and comply with the rules.
    I wonder if, until a further rule change can be enacted, it would be ok to have the hangers loose?
    The rule does not say they have to be in use – in this instance – wold I be compliant by retaining the hanger and taping it up?

    in reply to: Has Anyone Seen This? #7633
    Paul Matthews

    May I comment from a timber boat perspective ….. a timber boat, as part of or after construction can be modified with the use of bog, fibreglass etc to maximise or minimise measurements within the tolerances. A beginning amateur may not have this skill, but an experienced craftsman can do so. Hence, I don’t accept the logic that a fibreglass boat should be built to the middle of tolerances since whatever can be done within the tolerances with FRP can also be achieved with timber boats.

    I would contend that a more relevant discussion is – what range of tolerance is appropriate for each measurement in order to preserve the desired flexibility for amateur builders and maintain a close to “one-design” concept.

    If the concensus is that fibreglass boats HAVE to be at the middle of tolerances – then we are in the production space of Lasers and Spirals – an economic decision with a single supplier to achieve best price for volume!

    in reply to: Glassing bottom panels #7683
    Paul Matthews

    I too am very interested in reading this advice.

    in reply to: Faster Wooden Boats #7604
    Paul Matthews

    I was using the term composite to refer to “Foam and glass hull with plywood deck’.

    in reply to: Faster Wooden Boats #7599
    Paul Matthews

    Which class would a composite boat be in?

    Before a solution is identified for the currently perceived construction problems, the class needs to determine the scope of its target market – then – ensure the class rules are relevant.
    For example – is price for a competitive boat a consideration? Home builders encouraged or not?

    in reply to: 2013 Review of Sabre rules #7559
    Paul Matthews

    Hello – when will the outcome of the special agm be available?

    in reply to: Insurance Cost and Excess #7533
    Paul Matthews

    If you are in Qld, you can access the Nautilus Marine products via the YQ website
    Good rates. No stuffing around because its wood etc.
    It processes online, then they will send you a pair of gloves with the documents.
    PLUS – you nominate your sailing club and they get a few$$ as well.
    Everyone’s a winner.

    in reply to: WA Accommodation Options 2013/2014 #7510
    Paul Matthews

    I had the pleasure of calling in to Perth Dinghy Sailing Club this afternoon, and enjoyed a relaxing drink on the balcony as the sun set and shadows stretched across the river. Wonderful body of water for sailing – really something to experience.
    The venue is just like the photos :-)
    Spectator viewing of the course will be good as well.
    Great bunch of passionate sailors at the club.
    Highly recommended.

    in reply to: Memo from Sue at RQ on 2 Dec #7521
    Paul Matthews
    FYI – link to my blog – follow my preparations for the Nationals – see photos of the event site, share the tension of a regatta organiser ….

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