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  • in reply to: Radial v cross cut sails #7287

    Irwin and Quantum are cross cut, Hooper is the only radial.
    Results of the 2008 Nationals were –

    1st Irwin (new design)
    2nd Hooper
    3rd Quantum
    4th Hooper
    5th Irwin (old design)
    6th Quantum
    7th Walker (Tas)
    8th Clifton (SA)
    9th Hooper
    10th Clifton

    Barry Eastgate 1611

    in reply to: 2008 Safety Beach Nationals #7208

    Hi Sue,

    Your entry has been received and payment made, so all is good.

    See you in around 4 weeks.


    Ashley Parkinson

    in reply to: 2008 Safety Beach Nationals #7205

    You don’t really expect confirmation do you.
    Presumably you will see that your chq has been presented.
    We had 52 entries as at 27 Nov. We decided that with the current financial uncertainties to waive the the late entry fee. The only real reason for a late fee is to get entries in early enough for clothing sizes/orders and for catering. The late entry fee will likely be reinstated in about 2 weeks.
    Barry Eastgate

    in reply to: 2008 Safety Beach Nationals #7203

    For those who are interested, Safety Beach is happy to accept rescue boat crews and other volunteers to assist with Nationals activity out on the water.

    What better way to enjoy the regatta if you have a family member sailing than out on the water to watch the action.

    For those who aren’t sailing but would like to be part of the big event please contact Ashley at

    [email protected]

    with your relevant details and he will pass on to the club.

    in reply to: 2008 Safety Beach Nationals #7202


    From a Committee point of view interest to date in the Regatta has been good.

    We currently know of some Tassie and QLD sailors who are expecting to make the journey.

    As an estimate, getting between 20 – 35 from the each of the larger Sabre clubs like Black Rock and Blairgowire clubs is not unexpected.

    When you add in all the other numbers from clubs around the bay, Gippsland (with an ever increasing fleet) and other lake venues like Sugarloaf / Albert Park lake etc, we’d easily predict 70 – 80 as a good starting number.

    Who knows, with a bit more excitement locally and some more visitors from interstate we may break the 100 barrier this time.

    It would also be nice to get a strong contingent from SA this year if some one knows the expected numbers who are travelling.

    If any one is still interested in selecting somewhere to stay the two obvious choices are a holiday house or caravan park.

    For a house, we have found to date some of the adds on and under the holiday rentals are the best bet. Especially if you split the cost of the accomodation between a family or a group.

    For caravan parks the Dromana Big Four is a good one, as are a number of other parks in the Dromana area. We actually popped into a couple of the larger ones (including the Big Four) in Dromana and they seemed clean and well layed out. The choices in Safety Beach itself were a little limited so look a little further a field and you should have no problems. If you need to leave the car with the family each sailing day, bring a bike to ride to the club each day (its nice and flat).

    Also if your happy for a 5 to 20 miute drive to the club, any accomodation from Mornington to Blairgowrie would suit your needs and help you get the best bang for your buck. We have included a map in the flyer on the Australia home page to help with this choice.

    Given the Mornington Penuinsula (which Safety Beach resides on) is a holiday spot, finding a nice place in the general vacinity shouldn’t be a problem.

    If you have any other questions about the area or activities don’t forget to post them here, as I’m sure some one will be able to answer your question.

    Ashley Parkinson
    StairWay to Heaven 1590

    in reply to: National Championships #7165

    New year – and new image for one of our favourite posters ! Welcome …..crush ! Bad Girl Culture no less ! Is this the new team Chic ?

    Lots of caravan parks – will post details shortly. Chairlift has shut unfortunately. Billets – good question.

    in reply to: National Championships #7159


    We expect to announce the venue later next week. Just need a couple of committee meetings (one on each side) to finalise.

    Ashley Parkinson

    in reply to: Mast Rake #7146

    To some extent the position of the mast step will affect rake.
    My mast step is 20mm forward of the most aft position allowed by the rules. I use a Loos guage on the shrouds to repeat settings. Wayne Bates moved his mast step back to the same position and has similar mast rake.

    Every 5 units of measure on the Loos guage translates to 10mm of rake.
    The following measures are top black band to the top of the transom (outside).

    Loos Measure Rake mm
    0 5750
    5 5760
    10 5770
    15 5780
    20 5795

    hope this helps

    Barry Eastgate

    in reply to: Boom Bend #7074

    The complete set of rules and measurements has been posted on the site as of this morning.

    If people require a clarification in regards to any of the rules noted in the document, I suggest they contact directly there state or national measurer via the contact details on this website to discuss further.

    On a personal note (note representing the association), regarding the towel rail debate, Binks sells then for $30, John Dixon (Vic State Measurer) has them for I think $50-$60, which includes a one piece beautifully designed slider and attachment mechanism which I use personally and happily recommend.

    Or you can make one yourself. This has been discussed a number of times.

    Yes there are a number of other unapproved options including a track in the boom, wire loops, Velcro etc used across a number of classes etc.

    However I have also been present at a number of debates with some of the top Sabre sailors who have discussed the outhaul fitting at length (normally over a beer after a race). Without doubt the majority 95% + have come out in favour of the current towel rail as the superior fitting.

    Note the majority have been sailing for 30 to 50 years and have tried all of the solutions noted above across a wide number of classes.

    The above is to put in perspective some of the debate taking place, and hopefully to allow it to settle a little (at least for a while).


    Ashley Parkinson
    VIC Sabre Committee

    in reply to: Review of Building Guide #7053


    We have been having the same discussion for a couple of weeks behind the scenes.

    As a result you’ll find the complete set of rules/measurements on the site as of this morning.

    Thankfully Mikes skills in PDF are far superior to mine otherwise we be stuck with a scratchy scanned version, as apposed to the beautiful document Mike has provided.

    VIc Sabre Committee

    in reply to: Association Membership #7076

    Vic – Membership is for the financial year ending 30 June. (This is the association official financial year).
    Membership renewal notices are sent in early Sep in Vic because it is just before the summer season commences and is near the annual coaching and training weekend held in early Oct.
    Example: Notices will go out for the ‘2008’ (07/08 season) in Sep 07 and covers the period 1/7/07 to 30/6/08

    Barry Eastgate
    Vic Treasurer and Membership

    in reply to: Questions Regarding the QLD Nationals #6985

    Thanks Goanna, I have read that part in the NOR.

    Given there are probably around 20 cars with boats travelling, that would mean 20 individual phone calls to the CYC to organise getting the club open.

    I’m happy to call and arrange a time individually, but wouldn’t it be simpler for CYC and the competitors to have a window open in the later part of the day on the 28th.


    in reply to: Questions Regarding the QLD Nationals #6983

    Has there been any further thought about when the club will be open to drop boats off, or is it still on the 29/12 (ie first day of racing).

    The question was asked a month ago as part of the original post .

    Given this will affect a large number of competitors travelling to the regatta from interstate, could someone from Qld please advise if any changes have been made which have not yet been communicated, or confirm the 29/12 is the only time.



    in reply to: Victorian Teams Event #6716


    Actually we don’t measure boats at teams racing, its for foils and sails which have to be measured each year before entering a big regatta (ie states or nationals).

    If you would like to get your boat measured its a whole other kettle of fish.

    You will need to contact John Dixon (Vic State Measurer) as the process takes a little time and you’ll need to tee up with John when he is free.

    His contact details are Ph : 9729 1188 and email [email protected]

    Our records show that your boat is a Botteril composite, so its very possible your boat may have been measured previously.

    The original name of boat 1421 was ‘Mirage’ and it was lauched back in 1991.

    Would be great to see you at teams racing.

    No you dont need to bring a team on Saturday. Lots of teams are created on the day so please don’t consider this a problem. Its more about getting out on the day and having some fun in a bigger than usual size fleet.



    in reply to: Qld Nationals Draft Attendee list #6999

    Well, it was 42 last time around, so sounds like we’re in the ball-park

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