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  • in reply to: Boom Vang Measurements & Fittings #6736

    Hi Sue
    The Spiral (there I’ve said it) seems like a good solution. All it needs is a dinky little diagram and a measurement and away we go all happy.

    I’m new to the class and maybe I’m missing something, but it seems like an eternity to get this rule clarified.


    in reply to: Boom Vang Measurements & Fittings #6733

    I reckon Andrew’s suggestion is a good one. It would tidy up an uncertainty that currently exists.
    What I don’t get is why it is taking so long to get the rule clarified.


    in reply to: Concavity of bow #7046

    Hi Stephen
    Thanks for the reply.
    I couldn’t quite get your message.
    …”the putting will go above the waterline”…
    But then maybe i missed something.


    in reply to: Timing for the Adelaide Nationals 2007-08 #7042

    wow…if only the TAC published such definitive data on windshifts.

    agree that clashes with other regattas and availability of vounteers are two things that would be taken into account in any informed decision process regarding a major regatta, but with respect i’m not sure they would be the only two factors, nor the most important.

    again…sabres are not an olympic class, the nationals do indeed constitute a family holiday for many. the total time commitment for a regatta does impact upon attendance…just look the numbers at the vic states since they were conducted over 2 days instead of 3. many of us would desperately love to commit a fortnight to a nationals….alas time pressures in the modern world won’t always allow it.

    similarly the attractiveness of the location and proximity to fun extra curricular things have an impact on numbers. at the risk of inciting uproar, compare the white sand and turquoise water of blairgowrie or eden or anywhere in sth aust to the mud and rocks of cleveland…it’s simply more enjoyable to travel to (and sail in) pretty places with the shore based support crew blessed with choice for sunbathing, swimming etc.

    i’m not dismissive of any of the points raised but remember that most of us do this for fun, and whilst competition might be fierce on the race course i venture to suggest that very few of us would compromise any of the family aspects of the sabre sailing experience just to compete.

    in reply to: Timing for the Adelaide Nationals 2007-08 #7041

    As to the only two factors dictating timing of titles being avoiding clashes and when volunteers are available – I’d say these are secondary. In a non Olympic/non International class like the Sabre, the key objective has to be providing a venue, a format, and a time that holds maximum appeal to would-be entrants. For many, this is as much a holiday as it is a sailing event; and one for which family considerations are paramount. This is also the real world we live in, and people have jobs to get back to. So if organisers want to encourage broader participation in a championship, then these are very real considerations. If a particular potential host club is not available at a certain time because their volunteers are away or they are holding another championship – then there are plenty of alternatives !

    in reply to: Timing for the Adelaide Nationals 2007-08 #7040

    Nice to see Sabre sailors getting stuck in to a topic.
    As one of quite a few Tassie sailors committed and booked for travel to South Australia i plead with the writer to think before suggesting a change of date.
    It is not smart to consider changing at this stage. By all means lobby for year after.

    On a related matter i wonder why there is only one heat per afternoon?
    Surely a few back to back races could be held which would place less stress on host club volunteers.
    Why only seven races as well? Many classes are having over 10 heats to decide a Nationals. Any thoughts?


    in reply to: Timing for the Adelaide Nationals 2007-08 #7038

    indeed there will be a myriad of view on this…but there is a strong trend in many classses towards shorter nationals series over the christmas period reflecting the various demands on family time. it is interesting to see the sabres going the other way. i suppose the number of interstate entrants at B&SYC will be a good indicator of whether a two week commitment is simply too much for some. i am sure there will be the die hards for whom unbroken all night driving is an important part of the family holiday…but for those of us interstaters that opt for safety and comfort on our road journeys, the regatta really would absorb a full 14 days. sadly, that counts me out.

    not a judgement, just an observation.

    in reply to: RYAN KIRK PROTEST #7024

    Hi Peter
    I don’t know either yourself or Ryan personally so i feel able to comment from a distance. There is nothing in the rules which says you have to protest even when you are sure you were in the right. By your account it sounds like you weren’t disadvantaged at the time of incident so it seems I would be with you in not worrying to protest especially as the other party accepted fault by taking a penalty for hitting the mark at time of incident.
    Hope you continue to see the fun side of sailing.

    in reply to: Gippsland lakes yacht club easter regatta #6845

    Was having a look at the Gippsland lakes website and can’t seem to see any mention of the Easter regatta this year.

    Is it on for 2007?

    in reply to: Strops on mainsheet blocks #7022

    I’m no expert on the rules but the new rule change state there are no restrictions on the fittings used . I used rope loops to attach the blocks to the boom which is a cheap and long lasting option.
    Rivetting on block hangers apart from being expensive only serves to weaken the boom.


    in reply to: Centreboard/dagerboard positions #7019

    Hi Mike
    I’m no expert but i agree with your thoughts about having too much board up. It also means that any hiking results in the boat skidding side ways rather than foward. I would have thought skidding side ways would mean lots of drag compared with the drag of having the board down a bit. Maybe those who have been in the class for ages can shed some light.


    in reply to: Questions Regarding the QLD Nationals #6989

    Hi All Sabre Sailors,

    Firstly, good luck to all competing in the Nationals this year at Cleveland. May the wind blow!!!

    Contray to anything the old man has written, I have been practising my onshore training in London to compete with Wayne, Nanna and Fisty. I had tried to reply to the postings but was blocked from London as a spammer! I have been doing some sailing in London but it’s a poor cousin to sailing on Port Phillip!

    Have fun in Cleveland, keep those fluids up!


    Maree Early
    Hello Buoys (currently being air dried for extra speed!)

    in reply to: Victorian Teams Event #6719

    Have any results been published for the teams event held 9/12/06

    in reply to: PAN PACIFIC MASTERS GAMES #6453

    Hello Anne,
    I saw the article about you and Sue and Phil in the local newspaper – well done. Plus getting TV coverage. The Masters racing report on your website makes me wish I had been there.
    Good luck at the Nationals – I assume you will be sailing.

    in reply to: Victorian Teams Event #6717

    Thankyou very much your information was very helpfull and interesting and i am still not sure wether i can make teams racing but ill try and get over to Mordialloc

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