Towel Rali Position

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    Can anyone clarify the position of the towel rail on the boom. The Rules on the website are unclear – referring to Diagram 26A which is not included in the rules. I need to make up a new boom & need this measurement. What I need to know is what the measurement of ‘min 1830 max 1842’ refers to. It is not clear exactly what this refers to, particularly when there is then a measurement of ‘max 195 , min -205’ following it. Can anyone provide the information needed. If it is tne the ‘Building notes’ then this is another example of why these need to be dispensed with / full incorporated into The Rules.


    If you are am member of a Sabre association, your local measurer will be pleased to provide advice on your queries.

    Rule 7.2(a) states “The outhaul towel rail is measured from the innermost edge of the traveller to the aft extremity of the mast when the boom is fixed onto the mast gooseneck.” The innermost end of the traveller is taken as the after-most face of the front bracket on the towel rail and it must be located between 1830 and 1842 from the aft face of the mast.

    The other measurement is the length of the rail itself (195mm min 205 mm max) I suspect the minus in the table was left when the length range was split into two measurements. It will be corrected in the next edition of the notes & rules.

    We are currently completing an extensive review of the notes & rules and have just circulated them to the members of the National Association with the aim of getting them adopted at the next AGM in January.

    I anticipate the draft of the revised rules, as sent to the National members, will be posted on the web site within a few days, but be aware that, while there are not many significant changes, these revisions are being posted for State members’ information and must be adopted before coming into force.

    After adoption, they will be posted on the web site in full under rules and measurment.



    Mike has made mention on a couple of occasions on the forum he is happy to supply to Sabre association members a copy of the current building notes at a minimal price, if they own a boat and there copy has been lost prior.

    Have you followed him up on this?

    Ashley Parkinson
    Stairway to Heaven 1590

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