Results of Poll on Measurement Rules

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  • #5939

    The Poll on the rule changes proposed by Victoria is now closed with the following results:

    Motion No. 1 – That the implied restriction on use of fittings not included in the building notes be removed.
    CARRIED – Unanimously

    Motion No. 2 – That the measurement contolling the position of the vang attachment point on the mast be deleted.
    CARRIED – 6 in favour 5 opposed

    Motion No. 3 – That the measurement contolling the position of the vang attachment point on the boom be deleted.
    LOST – 4 in favour 7 opposed

    I now propose to consult with the National Measurer on the detailed implementation of these changes then circulate the results of those discussions to all State Measurers.

    When any feedback from the measurers (and any other interested parties for that matter) has been thoroughly masticated, a revised set of building notes will be produced ASAP.

    More anon
    Mike Simpson

    Paul Matthews

    Hi, thank you for posting the results.

    1. Towel rails: are they compulsory, or can an alternate device be used?

    2. Can the vang attachment to the mast be changed immediately?

    Thanks, Sue


    Given the interest in the rule changes (over 1000 views) it would be great if someone would clarify exactly what the changes mean especially change no. one.
    eg do you have to have a towel rail?
    Can you use an alternative means of securing the vang purchase to the boom ie lug or webbing strap?
    Given the Nationals coming up it would be good to get some clarity.



    Having had a chat with Phil Johnson and spent some time modifying the Building Notes and Rules to incorporate the changes I am about to present Phil with a set of the revised notes for his review. Following that we want all the sate measurers to review them.

    In the meantime and subject to Phil’s say-so, I would be confident in relocating the vang attachment on the mast to a lower level (but I’m not going to bother) but would not be replacing my towel rail.

    I believe Phil would not frown on strap type attachments for vang and mainsheet blocks on the boom, but make sure the attchment for the vang cannot reach any closer to the mast than the measurement provides.

    A number of measured boats have cord or strap attachments for mainsheet blocks, including my own measured in NSW, so that is probably OK.

    There is presently some contention about the exact meaning of the motion, particularly that about replacement of fitting types, until another motion for clarification is raised. ,

    Final advice – PROCEED SLOWLY, it is certainly not open slather!

    Mike Simpson

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