Home Forums Racing & Regattas Championships QUEENSLAND STATE TITLES.

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    Ewan Campbell

    The Queensland State Titles will be held on 10-12 April and hosted by the
    Lake Cootharaba Sailing Club in conjunction with their All Boats Regatta. The Notice of Race can be found on their website http://www.lcsc.org.au

    Go-anna 1701

    Paul Matthews

    The results are now posted on the Qld SSA website.

    Ewan Campbell

    Congratulations to Susan Hextell from Royal Qld Yacht Squadron who won the State Titles as well as the Womens in 1505 “Slow Hand” after some excellent sailing.

    John Grimmell a newcomer to the Sabres from Tin Can Bay showed us all what he could do sailing 1568 “Odyssey” into second place.

    Kathy Green also from Royal Qld sailing 1564 “Seadrift Social Club” proved her sailing expertise by taking 3rd place.

    Great sailing everyone, can’t wait till next States.

    Anne Mussett “Go-anna” 1701

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