Red Tip Arrive in WA

6 new Red Tip boats arrived in WA. Congratulations to Graham Hill, Bob Taylor, Steve Knight, Scott Olney, Ian James & Carl Girolamo. Looking forword to see you on the water hope you have a great season.    Steve Knight checks out the new boats.  ...

Musto Regatta

Well done to the Sabre sailors who braved the 2 full days of racing down at Freo last weekend. Congratulations to Steve Walters (1st), Pete Coop (2nd) and Ian James (3rd).      See you all down at the 1st leg of the States at TCYC on Saturday.  1st...

New Sabre Sailing Association WA Constitution

Following our Special General Meeting, held on the 4th October, we voted unanimously to amend our constition to allow for postal/e-mail votes on ordinary resolutions to be paseed (See section 7c)   It also removes the need to get proposed and seconded by another...

WA Sabre Sailing Dates

Below are a list of extra Sabre events around the State this season. There is a full racing programme at the following clubs: Perth Dinghy Sailing Club – Saturdays East Fremantle Yacht Club – Saturdays Maylands Yacht Club – Sundays The Cruising Yacht...

Sabre Sailing Poem – East Fremantle

As our 2014/15 season gets under way, it is timely  to remember the fun we had last season.  A huge thankyou to Sabre sailor Dave Quinn for this fabulous description of our on water antics!!!!   ‚ÄúThere was movement at East Freo For the word had got...