2018 State Championships

As advised to Sabre sailors by email of 17 December 2017, the NOR has been published and entries are open for the 2018 States. Another great show with strong competition right through the big fleet. Enter now while it’s still on your mind – and you can order a...

2017 end of year regattas

Victorian Sabres took part in two significant sailing regattas in November and early December 2017. The first was the annual Black Rock Yacht Club Go for Gold coaching regatta with six races on the weekend of 25,26 November 2017. Our national champion and very...

Go for Gold Coaching Regatta

We now have the entry link from BRYC for the above coaching regatta, to be held on weekend 25,26 November 2017 enter Go for Gold. The regatta will be held on the weekend before the Sail Melbourne regatta; it will most likely have a smaller fleet of Sabres to allow for...

Vic 2017/18 Sailing Program

November 24 AGM 25,26 BRYC Go for Gold and training weekend. December 2-3 Sail Melbourne. Race Documents: https://www.sailingworldcupmelbourne.com/race-documents-0 9-10 container loading for Perth. 29 – 4 January. Nationals at PDC Perth. Race...