The sail evaluation project commenced nearly 18 months ago and now all states have had the opportunity to use and evaluate the test design. The progress of the project has been reported at length on the Sabre website and Mailchimp newsletters. Unfortunately, COVID...

April 2021 Update

At a recent Annual General Meeting of SSAA, each state reported a healthy growth Sabre in their Sabre fleets. As a consequence there has been a shortage of good second hand boats for sale and all Victorian GRP Sabre boat builders have sufficient orders to keep them...

Sabre Developments Update – Dec 2020

Harold Medd in 20kts with reefed sail At the meeting of the SSAA in November, several interesting development issues were discussed and agreed.  It was agreed that the Sail Evaluation was proceeding well and was well in hand to be completed by the end of the...

Home built Sabres – September 2020

The development of light, strong marine plywood and good waterproof glues some 50 years ago allowed the creation of the 41kg amateur built Sabre hull. However, now most boats are professionally built in FRP which has the advantage of less maintenance plus greater...


Sabres Moving Forward We live in times where we could all use a little lift – so in timely compliance we provide an update of recent developments and progress of things Sabre related despite the best interjections of Viruses, bumbling politicians and their border...

New Sabres, quick delivery.

Over the years, most sailors buying a new Sabre have been content to wait for their boat to be built. This allows their boat to be customised, including their preferred hull colour scheme.  However some customers prefer to buy a recent second hand boat since they...