
You must present new boats, or in the case of major re-construction, for measurement to a State Measurer to obtain an “A” class measurement certificate.
The cost of measurement may vary by State…it is $100 in Victoria.
The State Measurer will submit measurement documentation to the National Measurer who will subsequently issue the “A” class measurement certificate.
An “A” class sticker is required to be placed on the bulkhead.
It is mandatory for sails and foils to be measured to competie in National or State championships.
The State Measurer will sign sails and foils as evidence of compliance and this is checked when registering at National and State championships. Please refer to State calendars for dates and locations of sail and foil measurement events.
Note – if you currently own a Sabre and do not have a copy of the building notes, these maybe obtained from Barry Eastgate (Australian Secretary refer contact info page). Price $30 for current members ($60 for non-members) includes return postage.
Please contact Barry directly for more information.
To view the latest versions of the following documents please click here
- Rules of Measurement and Construction – Effective 1 Feb 2018
- Sabre Construction and Fitting Out Guide
- Chris Dance Sabre Rigging Guide
Full set of building notes, fit out guide and rules can be obtained from Barry Eastgate, National Secretary. The guide and current rules are always distributed when a new sail number is issued.
Some recents concerns have been raised in regards to the construction of Centreboard cases that may not be in line with the current class rules.
To assist in providing a ruling, the Sabre association sought advice from Andre Blasse, current OK dinghy and Olympic Finn measurer.
Registration – Sail Number
If building a new Sabre, you must first obtain a sail number from the National Secretary/Treasurer; see contact details below.
You must obtain a measurement certificate from your State Measurer to be elligible to compete in National or State championships.
Ultimate arbitration of rule interpretation rests solely with the Committee of Management of the National Association.
Current Royalty Fee: $100 which includes;
- Registered boat number.
- Building notes, specifications and measurements
- Fittout guide
Method of payment is direct deposit / EFT into the “Sabre Sailing Association of Australia Inc” bank account; details are provided by the Secretary/Treasurer in response to your request for a sail number.
When applying for a new hull/sail number you must provide a mailing address, construciton type and the name of the builder.
“You must present a new boat, or in the case of major re-construction of a previously measured boat, for measurement to a State Measurer to obtain a measurement certificate.
Requests for new Boat/sail numbers should be submitted to;
Barry Eastgate
Secretary / Treasurer
Sabre Sailing Association of Australia Inc
PO Box 215
Mount Martha VIC 3934
Mobile: 0419 000 572
[email protected]
National Measurer
Gary McLennan
0411 521 071
[email protected]
Geoff Dresser
0400 421 864
[email protected]
John Campbell
07 3862 8957
[email protected]
South Australia
Alex Hayter
0418 892 145
[email protected]
New South Wales
Craig Simpson
0415 577 868
Western Australia
Rob Depiazzi
0412 036 612
[email protected]