by sabre_wa | Sep 28, 2020 | Western Australia
After the 2019/20 season at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club was cut short, and no Presentation evening could be held in May 2020 due to CO VID. Perth Dinghy Sailing Club hosted a belated Presentation event on the 19th September 2020. The Club Championship Results for the...
by sabre_wa | Sep 14, 2020 | Western Australia
Sabres WA is excited to announce the dates and venues for our 2020/21 State Championships. Sponsored by Boating Hardware. Sunday 29th November 2020 – Maylands Yacht ClubSaturday 13th February 2021 – Perth Dinghy Sailing ClubSaturday 6th March 2021 –...
by sabre_wa | Sep 10, 2020 | Western Australia
Sabres WA held a very successful training day on the 5th September 2020 at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club. The weather turned it on and beautiful sunshine and norwest winds greeted 12 Sabre sailors from PDSC and Maylands Yacht Club. Coaches Brien Hennessy and Andrew Rose...
by sabre_wa | Aug 9, 2020 | Western Australia
After a successful 2019 Training Day, the Sabre Association of Western Australia has organised another training day for the 5th September 2020 at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club. The event will kick off at 11am and will include onshore and on water coaching from Brien...
by sabre_wa | Mar 15, 2020 | Western Australia
The 2019-20 Sabre Sailing Association of WA Boating Hardware WA State Championships were held on the 14th & 15th March 2020 at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club30 Sabres entered the fleet. Day 1 only one race was held due to no wind. Day 2 there was a slight breeze and 3...