WA Sabre States

The final leg of the WA Sabre State Championships was held at Perth Dinghy Sailing Club on 21st March.  4 races were sailed in medium to strong winds throughout the day.   The format this season was 12 races, to be sailed over 3 Saturdays starting at TCYC...

New Sabres at Maylands Yacht Club

We have had a stream of visiting Sabre sailors at Maylands. Pictured above, including Craig Nylund from Rockingham CYC, who visited us on Feb 15 with his brand new fibreglass boat, built from his own mould. So we now have a local fibreglass boatbuilder in WA. Craig...

FRP Boat Building continues…..

Next Installment……… Deck fully laid up and ready to demould   Hull fully laid up, web frame in and ready for deck to be bonded to it.   Deck demoulded and ready to start dry fitting to hull in readiness for bonding.   Here is the deck...

New FRP Hulls Built in WA

Craig with his moulds freshly polished and waxed in his newly set up, climate controlled room in his workshop at home. Building of Sabre overseen by expert Boat Builder Brett Young of YMS to ensure quality and consistency.    Deck with gel and tie layer Hull...