Victorian Winter Series 2013

Victorian Sabre Winter Series 2013   Please refer to the attached calendar showing the dates for all races in our annual Sabre winter series. The winter series rambles it‚Äôs way through 15 races over 5 months, and involves both bay sailing at Black Rock and...

Easter Races at Somers YC

  If any Sabres would like to race over Easter at a competitive but friendly club they need to travel no further than Somers Yacht Club. Thanks to Peninsulalink Somers is now only a 60 min drive from Melbourne CBD or Black Rock Yacht Club. There are now 15 Sabres...

Sabrettes Training at Chelsea YC Sat 6th April 2013

The Victorian Sabre Association will be conducting a Sabre training and boat handling session for female Sabre sailors at Chelsea Yacht club on Saturday 6 April 2013. The aim of the session is to build confidence and sailing skills, as well as to meet other female...

Go For Gold Regatta Black Rock YC

GO FOR GOLD Regatta – Black Rock YC 24/25 Nov 2012 Go for Gold Regatta remains Australia‚Äôs only true ‚Äòcoaching‚Äô regatta where recognised coaches can be in the race area during the entire event. This gives sailors and coaches the unique opp ortunity of...