MSC Mid Week Report

Coffee Cruise Another good turn out for today’s coffee cruise. 9 boats and 11 sailors and a few members who have come by car. For more pictures and Videos go to the clubs Facebook site.   Racing ‚Äì by...

Mordialloc Sailing Club News

Coffee Cruise A great day with a record 10 boats a kayak or two, two rubber ducks and 19 participants. This has smashed the record of 12 people and 7 boats. Great to see the Kahn, Rae, Lozell & Bargholz families involved. Along with Dave Moate, sabre group and...

Open & Free Coaching – Black Rock YC

Open and free coaching at Black Rock YC in preparation for the 2016/2017 Nationals Following the Go for Gold coaching regatta on the 14th and 15th Nov   Coaching  am,  Racing pm all on Saturdays   30th January 6th February 21st February 30th April...