McCrae YC 6,7 March 2021 with provision for re-sail 8 March
ENTRIES CLOSE FRI 5 March 2021 at 8pm
As you are aware, due to the Vic State government’s decision to move to a stage 4 lockdown of the state on Friday12 February, the Championship regatta was postponed to be held now in the early March long weekend.
McCYC and SSAV are pleased to advise that, with almost two weeks to go, 73 Sabres are entered for the regatta.
Sailing Instructions and the Sailor App
The current Sailing Instructions and NOR can be found on the links below in the McCYC and this website. However all up to date information will now only be found on the Sailor app within the Documents section of the Sailor Ap.
You will need to download the Sailor app to access the Sailing Instructions and other notifications/documents which the Race Committee (amongst others) will be sending throughout the regatta. You can get the app here:
Be sure you have your “push” notifications set to “ON”.
COVID-19 Precautions
As of 4/2/2021, the Chief Health Officer Restrictions tightened due to a new community transmission case being identified. Further advice to competitors will be transmitted via the Sailor App messaging service and email should the need arise.
You must log into the Club’s Covid register every day you visit the club. The link is available within the app and the QR code is readily visible in multiple locations at the club.
Regatta Storage
All Sabres are to be stored on the grass area at the front of the Club. With entries continuing to be received, there may be some “spill” on to the beach area. In these challenging Covid-safe times, I know you will all assist the Club with any related contingency.
Our first race session commences at 11:30 hours on Saturday so please ensure you attend the Registration Desk on the upper deck in good time. The team will verify your entry details and also ensure your boat is recorded as measured and therefore eligible to compete.
For those wanting lunches (see options below) during the regatta, please reply to [email protected] as soon as possible with your order. Be sure to include your name on the email. This service is not included in your entry fee. Payment is to be made upon collection from the canteen.
Chicken and Salad Roll $6
Ham and Salad Roll $6
Egg and Lettuce Roll $6
Salad only $5
After sailing concludes each day, the catering crew will be providing a BBQ. $2 per sausage should see you re-fuelled and able to safely make your way home.
If you have any questions please get in touch via [email protected]
Cheers for now,
Col Dods
Regatta Manager.
Note: Entries close 8pm Fri 5 March 2021 – no exceptions.
The requirement for boats entered to have a valid measurement certificate will be rigidly enforced.
TryBooking Online ENTRY (click)
Entry fees are $110 for adults and $90 for youths (under 18 at 13 Feb 2021)
Entry includes a polo shirt.
Shirt sizes allocated based on entry sequence and entries received after Mon 1st Feb 2021 may not receive a shirt.
Victorian Membership
Victorian Membership Link (click)
For those who have not yet renewed your 2020-21 membership (no fees this season), please do so by clicking on the above TryBooking link.
If joining for the first time, use the same online facility.
List of Entries to Date
Current Entries link (click)
Barry Eastgate
Secretary / Treasurer SSAV