The need to review our construction and measurement rules was signalled by immediate past National Measurer Phillip Johnson and current National Measurer John Dixon over a year ago. John conducted the initial review followed by input from experienced people from each State over the past 12 months. Professional builders and sailmakers were invited to provide input but no formal responses were received. Some ideas provided verbally by a few builders have been included. There are 42 motions to amend the Construction, Fit out Notes and Rules of measurement. None of the proposed changes are intended to affect existing boat measurement status. One of the objects of the review was to tie measurements and methods of measurements to ISAF guidelines where feasible.
Members of State Associations are invited to review the attached motions for amendment to our rules and provide feedback to their State Associations (to State Secretaries). A Special General Meeting has been called for 30 November 2013 (postal voting cutoff). Each State has 2 votes by delegates appointed by their State association and motions are carried by simple majority. The National President in his capacity as chair of the SGM may cast a deciding vote in the case of a tied vote.
Whilst close of voting is 30 November 2013, it is intended that carried motions will not come into effect until 1 Feb 2014 after the WA Australian titles.
“Note: Motion number 6‚Äú Gunwales and overall length measurement (proposal 10) was withdrawn on 22 October 2013. See the revised motions for amendment to the rules‚Ķlink below
Barry Eastgate
Secretary SSAA
Click here to download – Sabre Rules‚ĶMotions to be considered by State Associations