GO FOR GOLD Regatta – As Seen by Harold Medd

19 September 2012


Go for Gold proved to be a very testing event worthy of the title.  Race 1 stopped before it started with a dash for the shore amidst a wild squall, reduced visibility and the wind well above acceptable levels.  The race eventually got underway an hour and a half later in a fresh wind and a very lumpy uncomfortable sea.  Nick won a closely fought battle with Chris.  The start of race 2 saw the wind increasing and the sea becoming very steep.  Some top end sailors ( names withheld for legal reasons) were seen to be enjoying a swim on the downhill leg. This enabled some of us to get a bit further up the leader board than would normally be expected.  The race was won by Pete with Chris again being the bridesmaid.  Race 3 was postponed to another day as the wind increased and the rescue boats were fully occupied.  To her credit visiting flyweight Susannah finished both races leaving some of the heavier crews wondering where they went wrong.